13+ years of experience as IT Specialist with extensive experience of administration, consulting and Implementation of Baseline and Different core services in VMware Infrastructure and Windows Platform.
At present,working on multiple projects in Windows Platform and responsible for the SME role based on project demand requirements.
Visited onsite on work visa 1.5Yrs for doing server infrastructure task. Worked on following things:-
Cluster binary upgrade for stability. Upgrading all clusters to latest DLL and cluster binary..
Cluster and File Migration.
Completed a task of Latest Firmware upgradation of 400 servers of Brand HP.
Handled Cluster Maintenance and Problem/ Root Cause Analysis for critical issues
VMTool and Hardware up gradation of around 500 Servers on ESX 5
Worked on reactive issues which generally come into servers on daily basis
Microsoft Certified Professional
MS Azure certified (AZ900 & AZ 104 Microsoft Azure Administrator)
VCP-DCV-2022-ID (VMW-03034135M-02978196) 423578458
Microsoft Certified Professional
MS Azure certified (AZ900 & AZ 104 Microsoft Azure Administrator)
VCP-DCV-2022-ID (VMW-03034135M-02978196) 423578458