Caring and analytical Psychologist with experience assessing and treating patients. Expert at observing and interviewing, developing treatment plans and conducting research. Strong organizational and interpersonal skills when working with diverse team of mental health professionals. Proficient in staying abreast of new developments in field of clinical care of patients suffering from chronic illnesses through the paradigm of patient therapeutic education while continuing to refine clinical skills through continuing education and attendance at professional development conferences.
Interpersonal Skills
Project Management
Team building
Time Management
Active Listening
Self Motivation
Professional Demeanor
Analytical Thinking
Report Preparation
Document Typing and Formatting
Data entry experience
Report Writing
Interpersonal Communication
34 years old
Formation continue Faculté de médecine, Université de Genève Formation continue Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal
Enseignement prégradué : Faculté de médecine, Université de Genève
Enseignement post-gradué Faculté de médecine, Université de Genève
Enseignement post-gradué(Autres)
Enseignement paramédical
2017-2018 Séminaire de 3 heures, « Résidents en difficultés: une démarche structurée pour les soutenir (raisonnement clinique et professionnalisme)» Unités de médecine de famille de Amos et Lasarre, 24 avril 2018, Amos, Québec.
• Lavallard V, Cerutti B, Audetat Voirol M-C, Broers B, Sader J, Galetto-Lacour A, Hausmann S, Savoldelli GL, Nendaz M, Escher M. Formative assessments during COVID-19 pandemic: an observational study on performance and experiences of medical students. MedEdPublish. 2023;13:7.
• Bajwa NM, Sader J, Kim S, Park YS, Nendaz M, Bochatay N. Development and validity evidence for the intraprofessional conflict exercise: An assessment tool to support collaboration. PloS one. 2023;18(2):e0280564.
• Cleverley-Leblanc H, Chemin C, Sader J, Junod Perron NA, Zamberg I, Schiffer E, Nendaz M, Audetat Voirol M-C. Favoriser le développement du raisonnement clinique des étudiants en médecine : une démarche d’amélioration. Pédagogie médicale. 2023;23(4):225 33.
• Sader J, Cerutti B, Meynard L, Geoffroy F, Meister V, Paignon A, Junod Perron NA. The pedagogical value of near-peer feedback in online OSCEs. BMC medical education. 2022;22(1):572.
• Sader J, Diana A, Coen M, Nendaz M, Audetat Voirol M-C. A GP’s clinical reasoning in the context of multimorbidity: beyond the perception of an intuitive approach. Family practice. 2022;cmac076.
• Sader J, Cairo Notari S, Coen M, Ritz C, Bajwa NM, Nendaz M, Audetat Voirol M-C. Métaphores : une porte d’entrée pour accéder à la richesse du raisonnement clinique des médecins généralistes. Pédagogie médicale. 2022;23(1):17 26.
• Coen M, Sader J, Junod Perron NA, Audetat Voirol M-C, Nendaz M. Clinical reasoning in dire times. Analysis of cognitive biases in clinical cases during the COVID-19 pandemic. Internal and emergency medicine. 2022;
• Wurth SMM, Sader J, Cerutti B, Broers B, Bajwa NM, Carballo JS, Escher M, Galetto-Lacour A, Grosgurin O, Lavallard V, Savoldelli GL, Serratrice J, Nendaz M, Audetat Voirol M-C. Medical students" perceptions and coping strategies during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: studies, clinical implication, and professional identity. BMC medical education. 2021;21(1):620.
• Ritz C, Sader J, Cairo Notari S, Lanier C, Caire Fon N, Nendaz M, Audetat Voirol M-C. Multimorbidity and clinical reasoning through the eyes of GPs: a qualitative study. Family medicine and community health. 2021;9(4):e000798.
• Voirol C, Pelland M-F, Lajeunesse J, Duplain R, Dubois J, Lachance S, Lambert C, Sader J, Audetat Voirol M-C. How Can We Raise Awareness of Physician’s Needs in Order to Increase Adherence to Management and Leadership Training? Journal of Healthcare Leadership. 2021;
• Sader J, Audetat Voirol M-C, Nendaz M, Hurst S, Clavien C. Design Bioethics, Not Only as a Research Tool but Also a Pedagogical Tool. The American Journal of Bioethics. 2021;21(6):69 71.
• Cairo Notari S, Sader J, Caire Fon N, Sommer JM, Pereira Miozzari AC, Janjic D, Nendaz M, Audetat Voirol M-C. Understanding GPs" clinical reasoning processes involved in managing patients suffering from multimorbidity: A systematic review of qualitative and quantitative research. International Journal of Clinical Practice. 2021;e14187.
• Sader J, Clavien C, Korris J, Hurst S, Nendaz M, Audetat Voirol M-C. Serious game training in medical education: potential to mitigate cognitive biases of healthcare professionals. Diagnosis. 2021;
• Audetat Voirol M-C, Cairo Notari S, Sader J, Ritz C, Fassier T, Sommer JM, Nendaz M, Caire-Fon N. Understanding the clinical reasoning processes involved in the management of multimorbidity in an ambulatory setting: study protocol of a stimulated recall research. BMC Medical Education. 2021;21(1):31.
• Voirol C, Sader J, Audetat Voirol M-C. COVID-19: How to Reduce Some Environmental and Social Impacts? Annals of Global Health. 2020;86(1):139.
• Audetat Voirol M-C, Sader J, Coen M. Clinical reasoning and COVID 19 pandemic: current influencing factors Let us take a step back! Internal and Emergency Medicine. 2020;
• Audetat Voirol M-C, Sader J, Cairo Notari S, Ritz C, Fon NC, Maisonneuve H, Blondon K, Nendaz M. Understanding and Promoting Clinical Reasoning in Chronic and Multimorbid Conditions: A Call for GPs and Healthcare Professionals. Health. 2019;11(10):1338 46.
Articles professionnels
• Gillabert CF, Pereira Miozzari AC, Sommer JM, Sader J, Audetat Voirol M-C, Rieder AR. Cercle de qualité pédagogique : un nouvel outil pour les clinicien∙ne∙s enseignant∙e∙s en médecine ambulatoire. Revue médicale suisse. 2021;17(738):915 8.
• Pereira Miozzari AC, Rieder AR, Sader J, Sommer JM, Audetat Voirol M-C. Clinicians or teachers – why not both? Expanding the comfort zone of Swiss clinical teachers in private practice. Swiss Medical Weekly. 2020;
Psychologist FSP (Fédération Suisse des Psychologues)
Psychologist AGPSY (Association Genevoise des Psychologues)
Psychologist MBPsS (member of the British British Psychological Society (BPS))